熱物性Vol. 27, No.3 (2013) 通巻100号
飯田 嘉宏
牧野 俊郎
山村 力
小口 幸成
高松 洋
論 文
若林 英信,畑 斉樹,牧野 俊郎
高橋 優,小澤 俊平,福山 博之,渡辺 直行
講 座
赤坂 亮
案 内
第34回日本熱物性シンポジウム - 最終会告 -
平澤 良男
Netsu Bussei Vol. 27, No. 3 (2013)
Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties
Congratulation on the 100th publication of the "Netsu Bussei"
Y. Iida
Congratulation to the 100th Issue of Netsu Bussei
T. Makino
Netsubussei where researchers and user of thermophysics meet one another, and produce new values for the society
T. Yamamura
Former President Motoo Fuji who Conquered the Big Crisis of the JSTP
K. Oguchi
In Memoriam Professor Motoo Fuji
H. Takamatsu
Heat, Radiation and Mass Transfer Characteristics of an Attachable Sawdust Inner Wall Plate with High Hygroscopicity and High Thermal Conductivity
H. Takamatsu
How to use the Network Database System for Thermophysical Property Data on the Web
H. Wakabayashi, M. Hata, T. Makino
Influence of Vaporization of Sample on Oxygen Partial Pressure for Surface Tension Measurement for Molten Iron
S. Takahashi, S. Ozawa, H. Fukuyama, N. Watanabe
REFPROP - useful features and some cautions
R. Akasaka
Final Announcement of 34th Japan Symposium of Thermophysical Properties
Y. Hirasawa
News from Society