熱物性Vol. 34, No.2 (2020) 通巻127号
佐々木 直栄
論 文
佐伯 智寛,萩原 伸治,田坂 太一,馬渕 賢作
案 内
小原 拓
第41回日本熱物性シンポジウム - 第2回会告 -
重里 有三
山田 純
Netsu Bussei Vol. 34, No. 2 (2020)
Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties
Information of Thermophysical Properties and I
N. Sasaki
Development of the Measurement Method of Thermal Storage Properties for Phase Change Material
T. Saeki, S. Hagihara, T. Tasaka, K. Mabuchi
Changes in Registration Fee and Medium of Proceedings for the Japan Symposium of Thermophysical Properties
T. Ohara
2nd Announcement of 41st Japan Symposium of Thermophysical Properties
Y. Shigesato
Call for the JSTP Awards
J. Yamada
News from Society